Dare to Delegate Advanced Online


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Are you a business owner or in a leadership role, constantly finding yourself doing everything, and we mean EVERYTHING, in your organisation?

You're not alone.

Danielle, the founder of Bobbie Charles Academy, was exactly where you are just a few years ago. Wearing all the hats and juggling every task on her own... and this went on for quite some time (almost to the point of chronic fatigue) until she learnt the art of DELEGATION!

That's why we've created ‘Dare to Delegate’ – an advanced online course to help you effectively lead your business.

This advanced course is not just about shifting tasks off your plate. It's about empowering your team, boosting productivity, and reclaiming your time and energy.

‘Dare to Delegate’ is your ticket to building a high-performing team and scaling your business like never before.

Want to know the fail-proof process to reclaiming your time by being a rockstar delegator? Register now for this brand-new course coming October 2023.

    Sign up for only $299 and get access to these highly valuable inclusions with a combined value of $997 (a saving of almost $700):

    • Lifetime access to ‘Dare to Delegate’ advanced course
    • Self-paced online learning portal with every module recorded
    • Comprehensive downloadable workbook
    • Access to the private Facebook Group
    • Unpacking common roadblocks and mindset shifts
    • How to stop micromanaging and why
    • What communication and trust issues are doing to your brand
    • What high pressure does to your team and how to change that limiting pattern
    • Identifying what tasks take priority
    • The 10-step process to delegation and how to implement it
    • Adaptive approaches with different team members and so much more!